art. 13 GDPR 2016/679

Sierra S.p.A. informs the data subject that the request message sent to the owner of the data processing may involve the processing of personal data in accordance with the following general regulations:

  • Your data will be processed legally, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject, following the general principles of Art. 5 GDPR;
  • Specific safety measures are taken to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect uses and unauthorised accesses;
  • The owner of the data processing is Sierra S.p.A., via Ca’ Magre n.45, 37063 Isola della Scala (VR),
  • You may consult the owner of the data processing at any time in order to exercise rights as provided under art. 15-22 GDPR (right of access, rectification, erasure, limitation, portability, opposition) and to revoke your consent previously accorded or to lodge a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority;
  • The owner of the data processing has not designated a data protection officer because any data processing affects the description of art. 37 GDPR 2016.

The owner processes personal data filled in the form application (name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address) in order to send the message and no other type of data collected by the same data subject.

The data are processed for the following actions:

  • Managing the requests for the access to the software;
  • Providing information and promotional activity related to the products of the owner of the data processing.

The failure to provide such data makes impossible to reply to your request; instead receiving additional messages about the activity of the owner is optional.

The personal data processing is performed by operations listed in art. 4 n. 2) GDPR, and precisely: collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, elaboration, alteration, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blockage, communication, erasure and destruction of data. The personal data are processing in written, electronic and automated system. The owner will process the personal data for the time of providing the service of access to the web platform and of fulfilling the purposes for which they have been collected accordingly to the legal obligations.

The personal data are processed by internal authorised users properly trained according to the art. 29 GDPR. It’s also possible to ask for the field of communication of the personal data, obtaining precise information about any eventual external user who works as Supervisor or autonomous Owner of the personal data (consultants, specialists, …). Moreover we inform you that your personal data can be exchanged among the companies of the Group. The personal data will not be transferred to non-EU countries.

At any moment the data subject can exercise the following rights:

  • To obtain confirmation of the existence of own personal data;
  • To obtain information about the purpose of personal data processing, the categories of personal data, the subjects or categories of subjects to which the personal data may be disclosed and, when possible, the period of storage of personal data;
  • To obtain the modification and the erasure of personal data;
  • To obtain the limitation of personal data processing;
  • To obtain the portability of personal data; it means that where personal data are processed by electronic means and in a structured and commonly used format, the data can be obtained by an owner of personal data and transferred to another owner of personal data without hindrance;
  • To object to the processing of personal data at any time, also in case of direct marketing purposes;
  • To object to an automated processing related to physical subjects, included the measure of profiling;
  • To lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority.